Jr is a first generation bilingual bi-cultural storyteller, conservationist, and multi-sport athlete. Born and raised in the Bayou City, his appreciation for the outdoors grew from exploring his local waterways, neighborhoods, and “bikeways”. One of his first connections to the outdoors was running, the slow pace allowed him to see the environmental injustices in his neighborhood. He graduated from Reed College in Portland, Oregon in 2012 with a focus on international relations and the environment, a first in his family; Access to “nature” in Portland was ample and trail running took a whole new meaning while being completely entrenched in a homogeneous outdoors culture, doors in ice climbing, kayaking, cyclocross, rugby, climbing, and bouldering opened.
Currently, he works as a storyteller and conservationist in Jackson, WY where he focus on the relationship between nature and people creating inclusive community programs and projects that empower communities to tell their own stories. Jr has worked as Director, cinematographer, and photographer domestically and internationally for REI, Ford Bronco, Feeding America, Patagonia, HydroFlask, and National Geographic. He recently Directed, Soñadora, a film for immigrants, women, people of color, and all of those who fight to exist in spaces that were not made for them.